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Text File  |  1992-06-04  |  14KB  |  202 lines

  1.       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2.       │                REGISTRATION  CENTERS                    │
  3.       ├──────┬────────────────┬───────┬─────────────────────────┤
  4.       │CREDIT│                │       │                         │
  5.       │CARDS │      FAX       │GT NODE│ADDRESS                  │
  6.       ├──────┼────────────────┼───────┼─────────────────────────┤
  7.       │  ALL │      NO        │803/000│Juergen Lorenz           │
  8.       │      │                │       │Laufgraben 39            │
  9.       │      │                │       │2000 Hamburg 13          │
  10.       │      │                │       │GERMANY                  │
  11.       │      │                │       │                         │
  12.       │  NO  │      NO        │033/000│Raymond Wood             │
  13.       │      │                │       │10829 Golf Course Terrace│
  14.       │      │                │       │Mitchellville            │
  15.       │      │                │       │Maryland 20721-2367      │
  16.       │      │                │       │USA                      │
  17.       │      │                │       │                         │
  18.       │  NO  │      NO        │003/010│Don Kelley               │
  19.       │      │                │       │9407 Arch Hill Circle    │
  20.       │      │                │       │Austin, TX 78750         │
  21.       │      │                │       │USA                      │
  22.       │      │                │       │                         │
  23.       │  ALL │0044 634-687178 │050/001│Terry Dansey             │
  24.       │      │                │       │Readycrest Ltd.          │
  25.       │      │                │       │P.O. Box 75              │
  26.       │      │                │       │Chatham                  │
  27.       │      │                │       │Kent ME5 9DL             │
  28.       │      │                │       │UK                       │
  29.       └──────┴────────────────┴───────┴─────────────────────────┘
  30. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  32. └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  33.       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  34.       │                                                 ▓▓▓▓▓   │
  35.       │ REGISTRATION                                    ▓▓▓▓▓   │
  36.       │ of THE JL's                                     ▓▓▓▓▓   │
  37.       │                                                         │
  38.       │                                Juergen Lorenz           │
  39.       │                                Laufgraben 39            │
  40.       │                                2000 Hamburg 13          │
  41.       │                                Germany                  │
  42.       └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  43.       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  44.       │ REGISTRATION FORM         for JLUTIL, JLPLOT and JLBANK │
  45.       │                                                         │
  46.       │ GT Net/Node: ___/___                   Date: __-__-____ │
  47.       │ THE JL's SN: _______                                    │
  48.       │ [ ] AFSN   [ ] GTPN    [ ] WAP    [ ] OTHER    [ ] NONE │
  49.       │ GT Version:  _________        [ ] upgrading GT regulary │
  50.       │                                                         │
  51.       │ Name:      ___________________    BirthDate: __-__-____ │
  52.       │ Address:   ___________________                          │
  53.       │ Address:   ___________________                          │
  54.       │ ZIP City:  ____________________________________________ │
  55.       │ Country:   ___________________                          │
  56.       │ Phone (Voice): _______________   (BBS): _______________ │
  57.       │                                                         │
  58.       │ Kind of payment:    [ ] Cash DM/US$  [ ] CreditCard     │
  59.       │                     [ ] EuroCheque   [ ] Money Order    │
  60.       │                     [ ] Remittance                      │
  61.       │                                                         │
  62.       │ Kind of currency:   [ ] DM  [ ] US$                     │
  63.       └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  65.       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  66.       │         PAY IN THE CURRENCY OF THE RECEIVER             │
  67.       └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  69.    ┌──────────────────────────────────┬──────┬──────┬──────┬────────┐
  70.    │No  Description                   │  DM  │  UK£ │  US$ │SubTotal│
  71.    ├──────────────────────────────────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼────────┤
  72.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  73.    │[ ] INITIAL Registration          │ 80.00│ 32.00│ 54.00│________│
  74.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  75.    │[ ] UPGRADE from a prior version  │ 20.00│  8.00│ 15.00│________│
  76.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  77.    │[ ] JLUTIL Package #1             │      │      │      │        │
  78.    │    (1 Initial & 5 UpGrades)      │120.00│ 48.00│ 80.00│________│
  79.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  80.    │[ ] JLUTIL Package #2             │      │      │      │        │
  81.    │    (5 UpGrades)                  │ 60.00│ 24.00│ 40.00│________│
  82.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  83.    │[ ] JLUTIL Package #3             │      │      │      │        │
  84.    │    (5 Initial Registrations)     │240.00│ 96.00│160.00│________│
  85.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  86.    │[ ] JLUTIL PROFESSIONAL           │      │      │      │        │
  87.    │    (1 Initial & ALL Upgrades)    │160.00│ 64.00│110.00│________│
  88.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  89.    │[ ] SINGLE OPTIONS                │      │      │      │        │
  90.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  91.    │    [ ] AC 1   [ ] DM 2   [ ] ME 0│      │      │      │        │
  92.    │    [ ] AN 1   [ ] EX 2   [ ] ML 1│      │      │      │        │
  93.    │    [ ] CA 1   [ ] GC 2   [ ] MO 5│      │      │      │        │
  94.    │    [ ] CF 1   [ ] HE 1   [ ] MS 1│      │      │      │        │
  95.    │    [ ] CH 1   [ ] HU 1   [ ] PD 0│      │      │      │        │
  96.    │    [ ] CM 2   [ ] IL 5   [ ] PM 3│      │      │      │        │
  97.    │    [ ] CU 2   [ ] IN 1   [ ] PR 1│      │      │      │        │
  98.    │    [ ] PL 4   [ ] BA 3   [ ] VM 1│      │      │      │        │
  99.    │    [ ] IP 2   [ ] DC 2   [ ] RE 0│      │      │      │        │
  100.    │    [ ] SE 0   [ ] ST 1   [ ] SU 1│      │      │      │        │
  101.    │    [ ] TE 0   [ ] UP 1   [ ] UT 1│      │      │      │        │
  102.    │    [ ] QU 2                      │      │      │      │        │
  103.    │    ─┬─ ┬─ ┬                      │      │      │      │        │
  104.    │     │  │  └─ points you need     │      │      │      │        │
  105.    │     │  └ Name of the option      │      │      │      │        │
  106.    │     └ Indicate with a cross,     │      │      │      │        │
  107.    │       that you want it.          │      │      │      │        │
  108.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  109.    │    Points, you need for          │      │      │      │        │
  110.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  111.    │    ■ INITIAL:  ________ P.  each.│  5.00│  2.00│  3.50│________│
  112.    │    ■ UPGRADE:  ________ P.  each.│  3.00│  1.50│  2.00│________│
  113.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  114.    │[ ] HANDLING (postage,etc)        │      │      │      │        │
  115.    │    (otherwise you will receive   │      │      │      │        │
  116.    │     only the crc. For package #1 │      │      │      │        │
  117.    │     you need eg. 6 handlings)    │      │      │      │        │
  118.    │            for each handling add.│ 30.00│ 12.00│ 20.00│________│
  119.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  120.    │[ ] If paying with EuroCheque add.│ 15.00│  6.00│ 10.00│________│
  121.    │[ ] If paying with CreditCard add.│ 30.00│ 12.00│ 20.00│________│
  122.    │                                  │      │      │      │        │
  123.    │[ ] If register with Juergen  add.│  0.00│  0.00│  0.00│________│
  124.    │[ ] If register with Raymond  add.│  5.00│  2.00│  3.50│________│
  125.    │[ ] If register with Don      add.│  5.00│  2.00│  3.50│________│
  126.    │[ ] If register with Terry    add.│  5.00│  2.00│  3.50│________│
  127.    │                                  └──────┴──────┴──────┴────────┤
  128.    │                                                 TOTAL:         │
  129.    │    ___________________________                         ════════╡
  130.    │             Signature                                          │
  131.    └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  135.    Read the following informations, if you want to pay by credit card,
  136.    with a cheque eg. an EuroCheque or if you want to remit the money
  137.    to my bankaccount.
  139.    NOTICE:  The best, cheapest and fastest way to pay me is to go to
  140.             your bank and remit the money or get a cheque in DM of a
  141.             german bank and send this cheque to me via mail.
  143.   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  144.   │If paying by CREDIT CARD    (Access, Visa, Eurocard and MasterCard)    │
  145.   │then take notice of the following points:                              │
  146.   │                                                                       │
  147.   │  ■ we are charging your CreditCard in Sterling using a exchanging     │
  148.   │    rate of (1 DM = 2.65 £).                                           │
  149.   │  ■ you must send your registration to Juergen Lorenz or Terry  Dansey.│
  150.   ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  151.   │If paying by credit card    (Access, Visa, Eurocard and MasterCard)    │
  152.   │then please enter:                                                     │
  153.   │                                                                       │
  154.   │■ Name shown on card :                                                 │
  155.   │■ Address of holder  :                                                 │
  156.   │                     :                                                 │
  157.   │                     :                                                 │
  158.   │                     :                                                 │
  159.   │                     :                                                 │
  160.   │■ Card type          : ACCESS - VISA - EC - MC (indicate)              │
  161.   │■ Card Number        : ______ - ______ - ______ - ______               │
  162.   │■ Expiry Date        : ______  / ______                                │
  163.   │                                                                       │
  164.   │Please debit my credit card as above, signed: ________________________ │
  165.   └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  166.   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  167.   │If paying with a CHEQUE, then take notice of the following points:     │
  168.   │                                                                       │
  169.   │  ■ you must enter the amount in the currency of the receiver (to      │
  170.   │    Juergen in DM, to Terry in £, to Raymond and Don in US$.           │
  171.   └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  172.   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  173.   │If paying with an EUROCHEQUE, then take notice of the following points:│
  174.   │                                                                       │
  175.   │  ■ you must enter the amount in the currency of the receiver (to      │
  176.   │    Juergen in DM, to Terry in £, to Raymond and Don in US$.           │
  177.   │  ■ you must enter the CardNumber at the backside of the cheque        │
  178.   ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  179.   │If paying with EuroCheque, then please enter:                          │
  180.   │                                                                       │
  181.   │■ Name shown on EuroCheque Card :                                      │
  182.   │■ Card Number                   : __________________________           │
  183.   └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  184.   ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  185.   │If you want to REMIT the money to my bankaccount, then take notice of  │
  186.   │the following points:                                                  │
  187.   │                                                                       │
  188.   │  ■ you must enter the amount in the currency of the receiver (to      │
  189.   │    Juergen in DM, to Terry in £, to Raymond and Don in US$.           │
  190.   │  ■ you must enter, that you are paying the costs of this remittion.   │
  191.   │  ■ here are my details:                                               │
  192.   │                                                                       │
  193.   │                   Name:    Juergen Lorenz                             │
  194.   │         Account Number:    75127700                                   │
  195.   │               SortCode:    20110022                                   │
  196.   │               BankName:    Postsparkassenamt Hamburg                  │
  197.   │               Location:    2000 Hamburg (Germany)                     │
  198.   └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  200. ------------AFTER READING, YOU CAN KILL THE TEXT YOU DON'T NEED------------